"Many respondents insisted that they do not need a critic to tell them what art is or how good it is. Most complained that I denied Dale Chihuly's glass works the status of art and have no business doing so.
In today's culture, people need not merely critics to tell them what art is, but also artists, curators, art historians, art dealers, collectors - and the viewers' own education and sensibility.
In the consensus as to the art status of a piece or a body of work, each such participant has something to contribute, and each type of contribution has to be valued differently."
Not familiar with Chihuly? Here you go:
"Saffron Tower"

Chihuly is a contemporary glass artist/sculptor/fabricator.

He owns a big compound with many assistants to help create his wares and installations.

Is it art? That is so Da Da...
Is it pretty? Sure it is.
Does that make it good? That is like asking if the days are long.
Does all good art have to be depressing and ugly? No.
Do I think it's good? Some of it for simply what it is. (see images shown)
Does it have artistic merit? Ask someone with a Fine Crafts background.*
Does it have artistic merit? Ask someone with an Art History background.*
After that, have a drink and agree to disagree.