The show opens on July 26th and is up until August 16th - kind of a quick show, so try to get over there and check it out.
Here is an excerpt from the RAM website show description:
Every year a two-week workshop in painting - painting techniques, painting subjects, painting ideas - takes place "up the hill" in Idyllwild, as part of the Idyllwild Arts Summer Program. Conducted from its inception by Roland Reiss, who began the workshop after retiring as head of the art department at Claremont Graduate University, "Painting's Edge" brings visiting artists and critics from the Los Angeles area and other parts of the country together with enrollees whose own ideas and ambitions as painters keep the dialogue lively, collegial, and productive.
The exhibition roster includes:
Faculty artists Roland Reiss, Carol Lee Chase and Andy Kolar.
Visiting artists are Mark Bradford and Peter Plagens.
Guest Artists are Micaela Amateau Amato, Laurie Fendrich, Jill Giegerich, Wendell Gladstone, Stephen Maine, Andy Moses, Leslie Shows, and Ben Weiner.
Artists who participated in the workshop: Irene Abraham, Neil Bender, Susan Connell, Robert Frashure, Christine Frerichs, Alexa Gerrity, Sophie Grant, Maureen Gutierrez-Prieto, Noah Haytin, Rachel Higgins, Victoria Jacob, Kirra Jamison, Kathryn Jaroneski, Chris Kahler, Karen Kauffman, David King, Aitor Lajarin, Daniel Lannes Pereira, Heather Lembcke, Casey Loose, Michelle Montjoy, Barbara Moody, Christine Morla, Mark Mullin, Sheila Nadimi, Kathryn Neale, Felicity Nove, Christina Ondrus, Trude Parkinson, Cathie Partridge, Kimberly Rose, Claire Stephens, Gretel Stephens, Lava Thomas, Kathleen Thompson, and Marcos Raul Valella.
Most exciting to me was also the Guest Lecturer and Critic, Fred Tomaselli. Unfortunately RAM could not get a painting of his for this show, not sure why.
Regardless, the work is really great and the installation works in all the varying architectural aspects of the museum.
Roland Reiss' floral piece with urban silhouettes in the center right.