Sometimes it does not come down to a single point or beginning,
but what happens in-between up to now.
I mean, like otherwise, we would be saying to ourselves, 'I wouldn't be here if I wasn't born'. Uh...
Regardless, it's fun to remember sometimes.
Here is how I met Shana Nys Dambrot:
Flash-back to 2004, when Gallery Revisited was at the first location in China Town.
We were installing the newest show, "Return to Ins and Outs".
We took a break to stroll a block away to Philippes' - Home of the Famous Beef Dip.
If you think that eating at restaurants with sawdust on the floor is "beneath you" *, literally and figuratively, then do not go there (either that or get over your pretentious self).
But I Digress...
So I'm eating my beef dip with hot horseradish mustard, and a glass of Cab from a giant box, I see a chick and some guy meandering around looking for a spot at a table to sit down and eat. They were wearing MOCA stickers - and were obviously doing a day of art downtown...Moca archives note this show was up around that time.
"Hi, I couldn't help but notice your sticker", I say. "Were you at the museum today?"
"Yes", she cheerfully says...and so it went.
I told her about my gallery, gave her my card and the rest is history.
Here are a couple of blurbs from the early Flavorpills she wrote up for GR:
March, 2004
Return to... Ins & Outs
Featuring local artists-to-watch Paige Wery and Vito Lorusso, this latest installment in experimental thematic gallery Revisited explores "augmented interiors and alternative landscapes." Wery's mixed media expressionism incorporates elements of nature, industry, and the everyday in complex, evocative visual juxtapositions. Lorusso, on the other hand, goes deep into detail, reproducing autobiographical moments with subtle psychological twists...
August, 2004
Paint, Paint, Paint
Jen Angeloro, Steve Jackson, and Paige Wery don't have much in common, but they do share a kind of fatal attraction to paint. You get the feeling that if they could eat it, breathe it, and marry it, they very well might...
* I hate it when people use that phrase.