Thursday, November 19, 2009

text unrest noise regress

My new work in the last few months is revisiting my roots in the use of text and found objects/everyday objects/work by women in art history - coupled with sewing...again.
"Diagrammatical Landscape" - in progress:
What you see here is a Word Applet I wrote for the word "Landscape".
I found that the thesaurus simply did not have enough to say about Landscape, so I had to write in my own additions to the "map". I didn't count how many words I added - maybe about 20?, but there were only about 6  words in the one located at

Online applications for playing with words are fun. That's right - fun. Easy and interesting too.

Here are a few:

Wordle --    created by Jonathan Feinberg
put in a link to your blog, diary or your artist statement and see what comes up.
(i can't seem to be able to save these though, so if anyone figures that part out, let me know)

For Braille :
You can get software from Duxbury
or other apps for MAC...there are many out there, and some that will print out embossed text for you.

or you can translate up to 1000 letters here - free and instantly:
"Using contemporary tools makes me mod-ern"

or use MORSE Code translator
"What is a poet? An unhappy person who conceals profound anguish in his heart but whose lips are so formed that as sighs and cries pass over them they sound like beautiful music." - Soren Kierkegaard
.-- .... .- - / .. ... / .- / .--. --- . - ..--.. / .- -. / ..- -. .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / .--. . .-. ... --- -. / .-- .... --- / -.-. --- -. -.-. . .- .-.. ... / .--. .-. --- ..-. --- ..- -. -.. / .- -. --. ..- .. ... .... / .. -. / .... .. ... / .... . .- .-. - / -... ..- - / .-- .... --- ... . / .-.. .. .--. ... / .- .-. . / ... --- / ..-. --- .-. -- . -.. / - .... .- - / .- ... / ... .. --. .... ... / .- -. -.. / -.-. .-. .. . ... / .--. .- ... ... / --- ...- . .-. / - .... . -- / - .... . -.-- / ... --- ..- -. -.. / .-.. .. -.- . / -... . .- ..- - .. ..-. ..- .-.. / -- ..- ... .. -.-. .-.-.-

Speaking of beautiful music:
Braille Music Translator -- put your music in braille

Music is sound. ... Sound is a new word that I am using for the next Applet tapestry. ...
I can't wait to start the Love Hate relationship with creating it!!
"SOUND" has One of the best Applets! Here is a list of a few of the meanings of sound:
  1. Linguistics

    1. An articulation made by the vocal apparatus: a vowel sound.
    2. The distinctive character of such an articulation: The words bear and bare have the same sound.

  2. A mental impression; an implication: didn't like the sound of the invitation.
  3. Auditory material that is recorded, as for a movie.
  4. Meaningless noise.
  5. Music A distinctive style, as of an orchestra or a singer.
  6. Archaic Rumor; report.
Revealing and sharing these applications takes the preciousness out of art.
Makes it more transparent.
It creates a greater understanding of art that is rooted in the every-day, professing to be for all.

How are you using modern tools in a different and unique way?

Related Readings:
DaDa manifesto by Hugo Ball

Artist whose day-job is to teach art to the blind:
Dori Atlantis

Quasi-Related Ironic Quotes:
"[insert almost any art making material & task here] is fun and easy." - Martha Stewart
"Do something that is easy to do" - Dieter Roth reference in the issue #1 of Material magazine.

12/21 - just broke some links - enter on google or browser to find .. sorry for the rendered inaccess.